abdullah che hassan apear as champion of this event with 6 point,followed by khalid musa with 5.5 point,see kai long with 5 point, kamaluddin yusof with 5 point and rabani che hasssan with 4.5 point.
Suka Duka 2011
13 years ago
chess is not just a game....
abdullah che hassan apear as champion of this event with 6 point,followed by khalid musa with 5.5 point,see kai long with 5 point, kamaluddin yusof with 5 point and rabani che hasssan with 4.5 point.
semalam ak men tournament yg insofar invitational rated tu.semalam kul 7 round 2.tp ptg sebelum tu kul 3 ak da men game yg round 9 ak ngan mat zaki yoep(organizer tournament ni)..sb ak nk abihkan game2x ak sebelum bulan 5 insyaallah..ak lwn mat zaki,ak menang.....game ak yg malam tu ak lawan alfred thin shih chieh.ak kalah game tu.ak punye position da menang.cume ak ni biasalah buat careless mistake kan..6t ak post kan game ak ngan alfred tu..
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